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  1. C

    VS-840EX and a cheap mike...

    Anyone used the mic sims in the VS840? All I have is a AKG cheap-o mike....any advice? I will buy a good mike, but I wanna get going NOW! Any suggestions? I also borrowed a Digitech Vocalist (interesting!) ...
  2. C

    Complete idiot needs help...

    I got a Roland VS840EX. I got a Digitech Vocalist Performer, borrowed. I got a piece of sh*t AKG D60. I got a Peavey Studio Pro 40 amp. I got a nasal voice (READ: The guy with that big nose). What I aint got is money right now, but I wanna record SOMETHING. Question: Can I go right from...
  3. C

    Which sound card should I buy?

    I want to connect my Roland VS-840EX S/PDIF Digital Output to input into my computer. So far, I found the new Creative Live 5.1 or the Zoltrix Nightingale 6 with inputs for this...any others? I want to burn some CD's and this method seems like my best options for now... -C
  4. C

    Acoustic question...

    Anyone got some tips on using my Acoustic guitar with my Roland VS-840EX? I have a thin-line pickup inside, and I just got the Roland. I seem to have a nasty hum/buzz which I can't seem to get rid of. Thanks folks!