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  1. Imalazypup

    Feedback for demo

    Hi everyone, Like many of us here, I'm hoping to find some feedback (the good and the bad...especially the bad.) Thank you in advance if you choose to take the time to listen.
  2. Imalazypup

    Saffire Pro 40 Help )-:

    So, brand new Saffire Pro40...and at the moment am not feeling very encouraged about my purchase. The Saffire MixControl is giving me the "no hardware connected" message. My DAW (Reaper) acknowledges the Pro 40's existence, and allows me to use it as my audio device (using ASIO drivers)...
  3. Imalazypup

    And another post seeking feedback...

    Admittedly I am not the best "engineer" and could definitely use some feedback so that I may better future recordings. Right off the bat, the initial recording of the acoustic guitar was not great (dull strings and too close to the mic). Vocals are not strong as well. Also, some speakers seem...
  4. Imalazypup

    Simultaneous Multitracking

    Hi everyone, Super noob here looking to get some help from some people smarter than myself. I'm looking to record multiple (I'd be happy with even 2) tracks at the same time (For example, if I sang and played guitar at the same time, one track would be vocals (guitar would bleed into mic I'm...
  5. Imalazypup

    More newbie help - General studio hookup

    Hi, my band would like to upgrade our current recording room. I will list our current setup, then explain what we are looking for. We would appreciate some advice as to what equipment we should get. Thanks in advance, I know this is asking for a lot. Current setup - Band make up - vocals and...