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  1. G

    my songs on my "myspace"

    Here are 2 of my songs if anyone wants to listen. More on the way! Eric Enjoy!
  2. G

    2488 question...mastering

    Does anyone know how (or if possible) I can compress my master down to a good level on a 2488? Isn't this common practice in recording or am I thinking wrong? I can use the "cd player" function and put in a cd and the meter never realy moves much. the meters from my masters are all over the...
  3. G

    Please Help! I have the FAKEST recorded guitar tone EVER

    Hello all. I have a problem. I just can't think anymore. I have tried 13 different amps...I have tried going direct...I have tried mics-mic positioning-everything. My guitars sound SOOOOO fake I can't stand it anymore! I am recording on a Tascam 2488. My acoustic and vocals sound SO real...
  4. G

    Boss DR 660 to Alesis DM5 via midi?

    I have been using a Boss dr 660 due to it's ease of use and was wondering if I can (and how hard is it really) use the 660 to trigger the Alesis DM5. The drum tones on the DM5 are, from what I understand, MUCH better than what I am using. I am very sorry to all of you REAL drummers, but I...
  5. G

    Bad SM57????

    Anyone ever have a SM57 go bad? No matter WHAT I do, it sounds fake and hollow and VERY week. I can crank my amp, put it RIGHT ON the speaker and get almost NO signal. I have changed cables, settings and everything else I can think of. Anyone else have this? If so, how did you fix it? Thanks Eric
  6. G

    2488 Question

    Hi everyone. I am a noob so if this has been here already I am truly sorry. I am wondering if you can put a bigger hard drive in my 2488. I have filled all partitions even after I have used the "delete unused space" feature. Any thoughts? I was going to start backing up on my hard drive of...