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  1. V

    Does anyone know the truth about Software Sounding Different?

    Alot of top Producers in my home town did some side by side tests with different Audio Software and most of them found that the sound of Pro-Tools was so much better than anything else.. I wonder if anyone has an opinion on this? i've tried cubase, then I used Logic for about 2 years but I was...
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    Please Help!! Mixing Problems.. Is it my Comp?

    Hey all, I really need a hand, I'm trying to mix tracks together on Logic Audio 4.5 all my seperate tracks sound fine but when I play them all together it peaks out and it's not even very loud, I compare the volume to a commercial cd's volume and they sound so much fatter, now I don't know alot...
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    Volume Peaking In Logic Audio HELP!

    Can some one please give me a hand... i'm using Logic Audio, I have several songs recorded without vox, and all the sounds are good, clean signals.. I haven't had alot of experience mixing but I've got the hang of it only problem is I try to mix the song to sound like popular tracks today and I...