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  1. J

    my Roland GR20 guitar synth demo

    my little review & 2 minute demo...
  2. J

    Tavern musical tunes & 3 others... The Tavern songs are from a musical comedy I wrote for my son's high school which is currently under production (if your in Pembroke NH April 12-14, stop by...). The 'Ocean' songs are just some ideas I put down. All the tunes were done on a...
  3. J

    who makes a real 16 track rec. deck?

    I've outgrown my Tascam DP01fx unit (8 tracks, I hate bouncing) and traded that in and picked up a Zoom MRS-1608CD unit and after reading the crummy manual I discovered that I DON'T have 16 tracks but just 8 tracks and 4 stereo paired tracks. Well, the only thing i'd ever record in stereo is the...