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  1. M

    Neck tension

    I just bought a Schecter c1 Classic and I went to restring it with heavys today. The nut was too small to fit the Elixirs, so I am missing a string. Should I be worrying about neck tension with only 5 strings on there or will it be okay til tomorrow?
  2. M

    F/S SM 57 and ST 55 Condenser one week old

    I recently purchased an SM 57 and a Sterling Audio ST 55 Condenser. I haven't had them for yet a week, but I have decided not to go either route and need to sell both of these. I also have a Proline Micstand. I'll do 80 OBO plus shipping on the SM 57 190 OBO plus shipping on the Sterling...
  3. M

    Studio Projects C1 vs. AKG Perception 200

    I am trying to decide between these two mics to accompany my SM 57. I know I had another thread about this, but this is the final decision. Can anyone tell me pros and cons on both of these mics or offer any advice? I'm using the condensor for Vocals and Acoustic Guitar. Here is my old bands...
  4. M

    Deciding between these four mics

    I am trying to decide between these four mics. Any help would be awesome. I'm using an SM57 for electric guitar so I'm going to use one of these four for vocals and acoustic guitar.
  5. M

    Questions about a full equipment setup

    I am new to home recording and I am looking to get a decent setup to record guitar, drums (electric set), and vocals. All I know so far is that I want to get a Presonus Firebox Has anyone heard anything...
  6. M

    General Midi questions

    I have a Casio WK-3000. It has midi ins and outs, but it is an actual keyboard and not a midi controller. Can I use it as a midi controller by hooking it up to my Presonus Fireboxs' Midi In?