Search results

  1. Stereo Steve

    Finally, My New Home Studio

    Well, here's my completed studio project that's been in the works for a very long time. Once the wife issued the "building permit", I was off to the races. I've still got acoustic treatment to complete and most notable, the giant hole in the wall that's open to the downstairs living room to...
  2. Stereo Steve

    Marshall Speaker Cabinet Mod Opinion Request

    To All, I’m wondering what the consensus is, if any, on packing guitar speaker cabinets with dampening material. I’ve got a Marshall 4X12 with Vintage 30’s and a 2X12 with G12T-75’s. I drive them with either a Peavey 5150 or an Orange OR15 at any given time. While they both sound OK in their...
  3. Stereo Steve

    Tuning My System... Thoughts and Experienced InputWelcome

    To properly set up my studio, finally, here's a plan I thought might work and am interested in input from the experienced masses here. I was thinking of running test tones from a CD through my system, set up a condensor mic placed in the "listening position", (equally distant from the monitors...
  4. Stereo Steve

    A New Instrumental Rock Song for Review

    Echo's by RockView on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free Here's the latest creation of mine for review & comment. I really have appreciated the comments and advice on mine, and others' mixes. It makes what I do more fun. Cheers...
  5. Stereo Steve

    Another New Song, "Downhill"

    Well, I've taken to heart several comments the fine folks here have been gracious to offer on my last two submissions, and applied them to this song. Here's my latest original effort. Additional comments welcome; and thank you all...
  6. Stereo Steve

    Cubase 6 Upgrade Special

    I just got an e-mail from Steinberg about a special they're having through October 31st. Upgrade to the full version of Cubase 6 from any of the following, LE 4/5, AI 4/5, SX/SL 1/2/3, Sequel 2, Cubase Essential 4/5 and Elements 6, for only $299.99. (excluding VAT?). Check out their website...
  7. Stereo Steve

    Bounce, Another Original Recording

    Here's another original creation of mine. Admittedly it's a rather simple and straight forward tune but often times, simple is good. I appreciate the advice offered on my previous submission and added a bit more "crack" to the snare and feel this comes across much better but none-the-less...
  8. Stereo Steve

    Original Instrumental Rock

    Strike Down by RockView on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free Here's the first of my original recordings I've finally gotten the courage to post here. I don't sing and I'm no Joe Satriani but everything in this song is me from start to finish. I've finally started to...
  9. Stereo Steve

    Should I Sell an Unused, Uneeded eLicenser?

    I've upgraded from Cubase SL2 & Wavelab 5 running under Windows XP to Cubase 6 & Wavelab 7 running under Windows 7. End result, with a dual boot system I've got 3 Steinberg eLicenser's but all four of my Steinberg products, Cubase SL2, Cubase 6, Wavelab 7 & Groove Agent 3, are on only one. Is...
  10. Stereo Steve

    Cubase 6 MIDI Question

    I?ve run Cubase SL2.0 for years and have become accustomed to four ?sub? MIDI/audio channels that accompany each MIDI channel automatically. I never had a real need to add more so don?t know if it?s possible to do so. Cubase 6 doesn?t seem to work this way; once I open up Groove Agent 3...