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  1. T

    Moving old ADAT tape projects to ADAT HD24

    I just got an HD24 and want to transfer a three song project. First song was fine because the clock counters read the same. How do you transfer a song to an HD24 "song" when the tape counter does not start at 0? I kept getting an out of range message and couldn't get the record to engage on...
  2. T

    Drum overhead rig

    This is my new overhead rig. I work in an acrylics shop and made the crossbar on our laser. Maybe I could sell a few :)
  3. T

    ADAT Error 07 :(

    Well, it happened. I fired up the XT for the first time in a while. At first, everything was great. Then the intermittent Error 07 flash. Then full on Error 07 meltdown. When I first press play, the counter starts rolling but the error immediately pops up. The tracks might play for a while...
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    My ears hurt, help me out

    Ok, I brought a new band into the studio last weekend and I have listened to the scratch mix to the point that it has tainted my ability to hear what this needs. This is my latest attempt at a mix. What do you guys think it needs? Thanks in advance:)...
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    Soundtracs Topaz-24 connection question

    I just picked up a Soundtracs Topaz-24 console and had a quick question before making my connections. Does the tape out on each channel only pass thru the mic pres? Just wanted to make sure it was designed to connect the way I think it was: with the tape returns from the recorder connected to...
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    ADAT XT vs. Blackface

    I made a bit of an impulse purchase last night and picked up a low hours ADAT XT to add to the blackface I have had for nearly 10 years (at a tenth of the price I paid for the blackface way back when, I might add) Is there anything I should know about the XT other than the fact that it uses RCA...
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    Working on some mastering

    Hi everyone. This is a studio track I have been working on. I posted a live to 2-track song a few weeks ago of this band. This is one of their down tempo songs. Tell me what you think. Thanks in advance:)
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    Live-to-2track song

    New guy here. I have been lurking for quite a while but this is my first post. I graduated from Middle Tennessee State University 10 years ago with a B.S. in Recording Industry Management and promptly entered an unrelated field of work. I recently decided to dust off my recording equipment...