Search results

  1. S

    Mixer for the job

    Ok what mixer would be good for recording drums, then guitar and then bass all at different times? And do i need a audio interface if i get the Mackie 1402VLZ pro?
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    Which Program?

    What would be better for recordign a 5 piece band Guitar Tracks Pro 3 or Sonar home studio 4?
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    WTB: Small mixer for home recording

    I want to buy a mixer so I can mic my guitar, bass and vocals. Fairly inexspensive :D
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    Thinking of adding a Wireless

    I am considering putting a wireless system. What are some fairly good ones in the price range of around 100-600?
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    Starting up a rack.

    I have already started buying a rack i've got a bbe 482 sonic maximizer, and a dod sr866 gated limiter/compressor. What else would be good to have EQ?....ect