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  1. L

    Midi And Reason Help

    Alright. I do all my midi work on a seperate canvas, and have all my instruments layered, tempo-d as a whole midi file. so its drums, bass, guitar, strings etc in one of my standard song. i import this midi file into cubase, rewire into reason. Create a synth in reason and select finger bass...
  2. L

    Just got Equipment. Lost.

    Alright. I've got my DAW, Sm57, XLR Cable, Firebox, Cubase LE, and Reason 2.5. I've done a few tweaks to my DAW for better perfomance, only not deleting some games and windows messenger. Been using my mobo soundcard so far. What do i need to do with my new gear? Also, install firebox first...
  3. L

    Some Questions

    I'd be getting my Firebox and SM57 soon. 1)Can i use my current PCI FW/USB combo card temporarily? If i experience no problems? I heard combo and Non TI chipsets are bad? 2)Monitoring system. I don't have enough to get a Reference monitor. Will headphones be enough (for a demo). I've seen...
  4. L

    Selection Of Audio Interface

    After a month of research, i've settled down for the Presonus Firebox. I'd be recording Bass DI, Vox, Backup Vox, Acoustic and Electric guitars (mic'd). So i'd be dealing with the mic pres and two front inputs mostly, and won't be really using the line ins behind. SM57, Studio Projects B1/C1...
  5. L

    HD Format?

    I got a WD 7200rpm 8mb, 186gb HD. I'm going to format it, what should i do if i would need partitions? Or can i put all my samples, libraries and unfinished audio on one entire drive? My OS is a 74.5gb NTFS already, and i'm going to have my system files, OS, Reason, Cubase LE, Guitar Pro 4...
  6. L

    Just Got DAw

    I just got my DAW, turned it on, and registered windows. What do i do next? I haven't got my AI yet, so i'm planning to DL sequencer demos and reason on my net comp and transfer em to my DAW. Any thing i need to do next? (change BIOS, disable stuff). Also, my 2nd HD isn't formatted, how do i...
  7. L

    Soundcard Dilenma - Presonus Firebox

    I was set on getting the box when i've seen a few threads complaining about the latency, hiss, pops, mic pres and the overall build of this box. I'd be recording my demo with this one, a Sm57 --> guitar cab, and bass DI in the instrument pres. So far, i feel that its great, but i want...
  8. L

    Cubase LE, Limitations, Advice

    Entry level guy here, as some of you know. I'd be getting LE with the Presonus firebox. I'd be recording guitars, acoustic and vox, bass DI, VST other instruments in reason. I'd handle my drums in reason. I know that LE doesn't have a drum map, does reason solve this problem? Most of my...
  9. L

    Microphones choice

    Alright, i'm entry level, new to recording, but experienced (somewhat) in music. I'm getting a new DAW, a firebox and an SM57. I'd be recording Guitar electric/acoustic, and vox mainly, using DI bass. I know the SM57 can handle everything, even vocals, but will it be better if i got a con...
  10. L

    Newbie Studio Setup URGENT.

    Hi guys. I'm a newbie musician wanting to setup a home studio to produce my demo. Here's what i have decided on : -Presonus firebox (2 mic pres, cranked gain 57db). SPDIF, with analog+midi line I/Os -SM57 dynamic. -Cubase LE (comes with firebox) -Reason 3.0 -AKG headphones -Still not sure...