Search results

  1. C

    Best "8 pres with digital out" DAW front end? OctoPre?

    I need another 8 ins to my FW1884, and there are quite few choices...wondering what you guys have to say on the subject.
  2. C

    Xpensiv shock-mounts piss me off.

    I paid almost $400 for 2 Royer shock mounts for my pair of 121's recently, because I thought I had no choice. That sucked. But I was on Mercenary's site recently, and there were mounts for 121's for $72. Wha' happened??? Did they introduce a cheaper mount because not enough people were as...
  3. C

    Phase problems w/ multiple line/mics on guitar amp...

    Hey...I will be recording a more complicated guitar set-up than I am used to dealing with, and I am looking for some input. Three amps, and two direct lines of the direct lines is split off from the guitar before the pedalboard/amps and the other is taken from the Line...
  4. C

    FW-1884 problems in Logic.

    Thebank switching buttons don't seem to be doing anything. I'm stuck up in the output channels. Anybody got a clue? I sure don't. I got a headache, is what I got.