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  1. S

    Who makes the best plugins?

    I personally use and love voxengo... what do you guys use?
  2. S

    Reggae Rap

    My ear is quite fatigued at this point... can someone please tell me if the vocals are sitting ok in this mix? If you're feeling ambitious feel free to pick apart anything else as well. Oh and a little background info: it's a reggae-rap style song about my friend's Pomeranian/Picanese dog...
  3. S

    Hip Hop Track--need advice

    Hi, music major just looking for some advice on the mixing... and someone to rap! If you'd like to give it a try, I may end up using it and putting it on my site. (Giving credit where due of course).
  4. S

    Another song of mine

    Mix critique, DESPERATE FOR VOCALS Another mix--feel free to post opinions and criticisms. May be a bit over compressed for some but I don't feel like it's pumping and I tried to make it as powerful as possible, which is really what I'm trying to make the listener feel; especially at the very...
  5. S

    Mix Critique, Please

    I've been producing hip-hop, house, and indie music for quite some time now and for the past year or two I've been really interested in getting a clean, professional sound. Anyway if you have 1 minute and 40 seconds of spare time I'd appreciate it if you could have a listen to a quick demo of...
  6. S

    Mix Critique

    Mix Critique (moved to mp3 mixing forum) Moved to mixing forum