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  1. J

    Using two interfaces for mastering

    This is a two-part question. I often read conflicting viewpoints about digital resolution, and I've seen the pages upon pages of argument for both sides. On the one hand, some people say that if you're recording to a CD, then it's not worth recording or processing at any resolution higher than...
  2. J

    Practice amp for recording

    So I've often heard that the best guitar recordings come from practice amps, and honestly, my own personal experience backs that up. I've never even once had any band actually come into my studio with one. They always bring their half-stack or whatever. However, when I record my own stuff, I...
  3. J

    How does one organize plug-in lists?

    Particularly for Pro Tools. My list has gotten out of hand! Some of them I uninstalled a long time ago, but they're still in the list. Others categorize themselves obnoxiously. Besides all the EQs and reverbs that have chosen to put themselves in the "other" category even. I have this one...
  4. J

    Recommendations for monitors?

    I apologize in advance if this is in the wrong forum. I've been using a pair of Event Tuned Reference 5 near fields for my home recording for about 8 months now, and I recently had an experience that I felt was sort of eye-opening. I recently did a mix at home of one of my personal...
  5. J

    Need some unusual drum machine advice

    Name's Justus, and I write music for video games. Here's the deal: I've been using a Roland Soundcanvas (mixed with a few live instruments) for my tracks, but I've finally come into a little money, and have begun to expand things. I've got some great software synths now, like EastWest...