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    Recordings J greg bailey

    hey got some new recordings if you guys are interested. let me know what u think.j greg bailey cheers:rolleyes:
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    monitor choice for small deadish room.

    JUST SOLD MY ABSOLUTE 2s cause they sound terrible. My Room is a bit shit but not all that bad. These speakers soud bad anywhere and dont translate at all. Have about £400 to spend and a samson servo 170 amp. If I get actives I can sell this. Want a set up that I will not outgrow quickly...
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    Preamp and or Compressor fmr rnc really nice

    I am in the market for some new front end. I currently run an alesis 3630 compressor into an m-audio duo pre and then into a mac logic system. I make kind of modern quirky folk stuff. Lots of vocals, acoustic guitar, snare brushes, double tracking etc. The pre amp is fine for now but am...
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    mic help please

    I have about £400 to spend on a mic ($700 u.s). currently i have: sm57 sm58a md421 nt1a 2xrode nt3 shitty beyer dynamic. I want something that will: 1. Be my main vocal mic and flatter my voice (rather nasal but in key!). The nt1a seems a bit harsh in the upper mid range as does...