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  1. J

    Converting Vinyl to MP3 data

    Doining a little research on the web it explained that I need an AD/DA converter connected to my turntable then to a recording program on my computer. My question is can I use my MOTU 1224 as the AD/DA converter? I'm tired of wasting CDRs for this type thing. Anybody familiar with this sort of...
  2. J

    Will any ol' Sub woofer do?

    I recently purchaced two sets of monitors, Yamaha HS80M and M-Audio BX5a. Both sets sound amazing but now I want a sub so I can really feel my 808s. Will any sub do or are there really distinct differences between them? Any suggestions?
  3. J

    Plug ins and Digital performer

    Forgive me if this is a silly question, but I just don't know how do you use plug ins with Digital Performer 4.5? I have a bunch of plug ins(VST) but I don't know where to place them in order to get them to work. I have a VST wrapper but yet again , I don't know where to put them. Can anyone...
  4. J

    How do I know when I need a patchbay?

    I've been wrestling with this question for a while and I just wanted some opinions. Thanks!
  5. J

    How much should I charge for studio time?

    I wasn't really sure where i should ask this question but this seemed like the most logical place. I'm located in NYC and I'm interested in booking studio time in my home studio. My background is in audio engineering, and I have assisted with the engineering of recordings that have gone gold and...
  6. J

    Do I really need to get a new sound module?

    I was told a long time ago to keep older equiptment(sound modules) because they add character to production style. I'm creating Hip Hop and Neo- soul tracks. The NeoSoul stuff isn't too bad but Hip Hop seems to be really gear driven. Sometimes I find myself doubting my skills because I don't...