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  1. I

    Just got my Neumann TLM 49!!!

    Good timing for releasing this mic because I was is need for a good vocal mic. This mic sounds very nice on my voice. I compared it to my AKG C414 XLS (which I love for instrument recordings) and the TLM 49 sounds so much more warmer in the mid/higher frequncies. The XLS has more of a flatter...
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    Vocals TLM 103 or TLM 127, which one?

    Has anyone had experience with both of these mics to see which one sounds better for vocals?
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    Should I get a used Akg ULS or new XLS?

    I am borrowing a Akg B-ULS and I love the sound. Since the mic is used, I can buy it at a fair price. I have not used the new B-XLS but I know of its new features and that it is transformersless compared to the B-ULS. I need your opinions on whether you think I should buy the B-ULS discounted or...
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    What are my best options?

    I am looking for the best I/O with built in preamps. I am willing to spend up to $2500. I was thinking about RME Fireface. Any opinions as to what you think are the best products at that price range.
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    editing multiple tracks

    What is the best software and method for editing samples from multiple tracks. I recorded a few snare sample using 2 overheads and 1 close up, a total of 3 mics on 3 different tracks using cubase. What is the most accurate way of slicing these multitracks vertically? I can slice each track...
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    panning close, overhead and ambience mics

    I've recorded just a snare using 5 mics. 1 close right at the head, 2 overhead about 2 feet above and 2 ambience mics 10 feet away. I was wondering what is the best way to pan these 5 mics?
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    Difference between AKG C 414 B-XLS & B-XL II

    Can someone tell me what is the main difference between the AKG C 414 B-XLS & B-XL II?
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    Looking for Best Stereo Pair

    I am looking for the best stereo pair of mics for overhead percussion. I am willing to spend about $2000. I am considering 2 X AKG C 414 B-XLS. What are your opinions?