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  1. M

    Audio pops after inserting film (SX2)

    I have a more than capable computer made by Phill Rees. However, the other day I was testing the water of writing to images and I got hold of a short clip, about 2:30 and loaded it into cubase on an image track. Now, when I use reason via rewire there's audio pops/crackles quite frequently and...
  2. M

    Recording to images

    I've been trying to get into recording for short films but slammed into a brick wall at the first stage. I use Cubase SX with reason through re-wire. Is it possible with this combo to sync tracks to movies/clips? Would I need anything else to do it? Watching video/dvd on my TV whilst at the...
  3. M

    Tascam US-122 (bleeding)

    I've got a problem with other audio bleeding onto the tracks I'm recording. I use direct monitoring and none of the volumes (line out, direct, headphone) are ever up full yet there's still bleeding. Does anyone else use one of these and have this problem? Is it inherent to this card or can it...
  4. M

    Need advice on my mixes!

    Link YinYang MKII: Funk/rock Everyone's got their problems: Synth/rock Both instrumental. All the comments are for the mix only, I know where I am with the music!... well, unless you really want to! Thanks guys CK
  5. M

    Can anyone run me through using the sends?

    In fact, it might not be sends but the aux fx... It's straight forward in reason. I just cant quite get it for cubase (SX2) a step by step would be great ;)
  6. M

    My mixes

    I dont know if this is the right place so get me told if it isn't but if I were to post a link to a few of my tracks would you guys be able to give me a critique of the mixes (not the music itself)? Cheers CK