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  1. S

    Recording a gamelan

    I'm about to record the gamelan I play in. it's a smallish group,only six of us. I'm trying to get some tips for micing etc. I'll be using a Tascam dp24 so only 8 mics total at on time. The mics I have so far are 1pr Oktava 012's w/ multiple capsules. 1Cad m179 2 sm57 There are 2 lead...
  2. S

    DP-24 pre amps and stuff

    So the brown truck should be here in an hour or so with my new toy. I have a couple of silly questions that I hope someone here will entertain. Regarding the preamps. Do they have enough gumption to drive ribbon mics? Also does anyone use outboard preamps with it? Also it seems that I've...