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  1. S

    a little Help! with room treatment

    I have an 11 by 11 room I plan on using. I've spent some time looking at room treatment options, but can't seem to make to best budget concious decision. Would this auralex kit be sufficient? I would like to pick up some other...
  2. S

    m-audio's ozone and cakewalk

    So I just picked one up on e-bay for $135. I wanted something that I could take with me on vacation or when I'm having manic moments away from home. "Fuck you!, Ned!(the boss) I'm on my lunch break" Anyways, has anyone used this with FL 4 or 5? I've always mouse clicked synth melodies in piano...
  3. S


    the biggest problem bothering me lately is that I just can't seem to make my mixes sound like a band playing in front of you. I have several reverbs that I use but to no avail it just sounds like someone took a boombox into a large room and played my one-dimentional mix. What's the deal? I...
  4. S

    A few words will do it, maybe (vox)

    I'm "experienced" in mixing instruments but not vox. Right now I'm using a carvin tube mic and a samson CO1. I am just wondering if anyone can tell me some things I would be looking for in a proper vocal track. What i(think i) know: keep lead vox mono, antares autotune is no good. What I'd like...
  5. S

    Compression- what am I listening for?

    I know compression can help a recording sound more cohesive(or I've been told so) but what am I listening for to know whether I've overdone it or not? I'll be honest when I say I don't know a whole lot about what I'm doing, but I'm trying to learn all I can so any info on proper ways to use...
  6. S

    A little help in sculpting ambient sounds

    Hello all, I am very very new to this site. Long story short I have a rap project I'm doing on the side(you'd be amazed at how much fun you have when you're expectance level remains ZERO). I'm producing the beats and doing a little vocals. Now, the current track(115 bpm) I'm working on has two...