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  1. S

    Cubase SE / M-Audio Firewire 1814 / Mac OS X (Set up Questions)

    Hello all, I am attempting to set up a friend with the following gear: Cubase SE M-Audio Firewire 1814 Mac OS X I will try to keep this simple to start... We can only seem to turn on 2 tracks at a time out of the 24 on the screen. When we try to activate a 3rd track, the program shuts off one...
  2. S

    WAV to MP3 Compressions Questions

    Hello all! I finally got my Delta 1010LT up and running at 130% thanks to Ocnor. Just a quick note to anyone that may want to run it on an older PIII-833 system. If you find that recoding 8 tracks at once creates an issue with dropouts during the recording (or that the system just stops...
  3. S

    n-Track 3.2 & Delta 1010LT Issues

    Hello all! I just joined this BBS and I should have a long time ago! Great information and a great bunch of people from what I can see so far! I just picked up a Delta 1010LT card and am running it with n-Track 3.2 (24-bit version). Through a regular card, I have never had any issues with...
  4. S

    n-Track 3.2 & Delta 1010LT Issues

    Hello all! I just joined this BBS and I should have a long time ago! Great information and a great bunch of people from what I can see so far! I just picked up a Delta 1010LT card and am running it with n-Track 3.2 (24-bit version). Through a regular card, I have never had any issues with...