Search results

  1. C

    Wanna get SP C3..quick ques.

    I have read that its a great mic for the money. I saw that the C1 rated high for its class in the polls. Would the C3 rate as high in its class? Is the money spent to get the C3 worth it compared to the C1? Whats different? I was also thinking of the Rode NT-2000. I heard that this had a very...
  2. C

    logic-reason sync question

    It has always worked fine. Im using logic express 7. I used the rewire template and everything worked fine. But it does work any more for some reason. I cant remember changing any settings.. Now that i make a new song with a fresh template.. there is still no sound from reason. Only change ive...
  3. C

    new mics anytime soon?

    Just found out I want to get a new condenser mic. Been looking through the forum and found out that the shure KSM 44, looks like a great mic. (will be used mostly on vokal and acoustic guitar) My question is: How often do Shure( or any other company) come out with new mics? I saw the reviews...