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  1. S

    Doubling Parts

    I've seen references to doubling guitar parts, solos, etc. Is this usually done by actually re-recording the part, or via a cut and paste of the original part into a new track and using the mix to create a bigger effect?
  2. S

    MIDI Notation

    I was looking through some tutorial videos on MIDI and they all import it by playing along to the project in real time, just like you'd overdub an audio track. I'm looking into a keyboard which is MIDI compatible and has a whole bunch of presets like percussion, strings, etc. which I would like...
  3. S

    Punch in

    I've recorded some basic stuff on the humble setup that I have now, and this crossed my mind: how many of you regularly use punch in? I try not to, as it seems like cheating, and so it takes me awhile to get a take I'm happy with! But the psychological aspects of recording (ie you can play it...
  4. S

    Hardware vs software

    Over the course of my research on recording, I've read about many pieces of hardware used in the studio for tweaking a finished recording such as compressors, fx. etc. It seems that many of these pieces of hardware are available through plugins in the software editing programs, such as vst, dx...
  5. S

    Mic Iso Setup

    We all know that a cranked tube amp creates good sound, and I want to try to find a way to do this. I was thinking of the following as a way to properly isolate the amp. The room that I record in sits directly above two other spaces: Basement and the bulkhead. The latter is a 5X5X7 foot space...
  6. S

    Some basic questions

    I've been looking to get started recording and have a couple of ?s. I browsed through the old posts and got a couple answered (since we all hate repeats), but I still have a few. Sorry if I accidently repeat anyway, I see it all the time on guitar forums and I know it makes you want to pull out...
  7. S

    US-122 and powertracks

    I saw lots of these type of thread titles when I searched, but didn't see any like this so here goes....Does anyone use a US-122 with powertracks? Are they compatible? It seems like this is a pretty reasonable beginning unit for the price, and I think I'm going to go with it, but I'm thinking of...
  8. S

    Basic Recording

    I'm completely new at this and I guess this is the place to be. I'd like to record to my pc through Cool Edit Pro. I'm going to get a USB interface and use that to record stuff one at a time. I play guitar and sing. I'd like to have bass, piano and drum on my songs as well, but I don't know how...