Search results

  1. I

    Overdubs and Monitoring

    Hi, I am using Firewire 1814 with Adobe Audition and I'm running into a problem when doing overdubs. When I plug my keyboard directly into the 1814, I can't monitor the new track I'm recording as I'm recording it. I can hear everything I've recorded previously, but that's all. Is there any...
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    Sony C-48

    I just used this thing as a mono drum overhead and it's the best sound I've ever coaxed from my drummer's kit. Anybody else love this mic?
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    $1200 to spend on mics, help me decide.

    I have a project studio where I record my bands stuff. Here's the gear I'm currently using: Digi002R w/Protools LE 6 PC - 2.4 Ghz, 1G Ram, 200GB HD M-Audio BX8 Presonus Central Station ART VLA Pro (2) OSA MP-1C Safe Sound P1 MXL V69 Mogami CAD m179 Oktava MC012 SM57 Senn E609 Silver Audio...
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    FS: Lots of cheapish stuff/guitar gear

    Guitar Gear: '64 Gibson ES-120 - Good Condition, modern tuners (vintage tuners included, no case) - $475 USA made 90's Vox AC-15 w/ 12" Blue Dog speaker,recently retubed (beat to death but works perfectly and sounds great) - $800 Danelectro DC Bass (needs new output jack) - $100 Boss SD-1 modded...
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    Pro Tools and SPDIF level problem

    I have a Behringer V-Amp pro that I'm trying to connect to my Digi002 via SPDIF cable. The problem is the fact that the signal is so weak compared to if I use the analog outs from the there a way I can adjust the input level of the SPDIF in Pro Tools somehow?
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    Versatile Dynamic

    I think I need to pick up a another dynamic....the only ones I currently have are 2 57s and my kick drum mic (ATM25). I want something that will sound good anyhere, so my first inclination is to go with a Senn 421 or maybe a Shure SM7, but then again I don't really know what other options are...
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    DIs - $40 vs. $200 - what's the difference?

    I'm looking for a direct box, used mainly to bring bass and rhodes piano to level for use with my OSA pre which only has a line in. In my research I've found the Countryman and Radial boxes to be very well regarded, however, they are generally $150 (more than I'd like to spend, really)...
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    Snare Mics - Alternatives to the 57

    I checked around the archives and hadn't seen a thread like this so.... What are your favorite mics for snare other than the trusty 57? Do LDCs, SDCs or ribbons ever do the trick? I currently am using 57 for snare and it's not the greatest (perhaps my yet-to-arrive OSA pre will change all...
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    2 channel colored pre under $1.5k

    I have a few units in mind, I was wondering if anyone had experience with these or could add to my list. Sebatron VMP-2000e TL Audio PA-1 Universal Audio 2-610 Averill 312A
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    Summit Audio/Safe Sound Mic Preamps for sale

    Both of these units are in tip top shape, never even racked, each used once. I've decided I'd benefit more from a single Great River pre than these two. Prices include shipping via UPS ground with insurance. I accept paypal or money orders. PM me for details. Summit Audio 2BA-221 - $530...
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    Summit Audio 2BA-221 problems

    I just tried this thing for the first time last night with an SP C1 and a 57...not really impressed. It sounded good without the tube stages, but once they were in it got flabby. Am I using it wrong? Or is it a hyped up tooob pre that I should've avoided?
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    Another Stupid Preamp Question

    I currently have a Summit Audio 2BA-211, a Safe Sound P1 and a Joe Meek ThreeQ along with the four Focusrite pres in my Digi002. What would be a good preamp to complement these? Let's set the budget at $550. I'm thinking a little bit on the clean side, here's what I've come up with: RNP Rane...
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    Monitoring Solution (not Central Station or Big Knob)

    Ideally I want a Central Station to route all my monitoring tasks, but alas, it's too expensive, especially if you figure in the remote control. I looked into the Big Knob, but it doesn't seem to be well liked, or that good of a value. Plus it's backordered till who knows when. I need...
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    What should I make a pair of for OH (C1, B1, M179, V69ME)?

    I currently have a pair of Oktava MK-012s (pretty closely matched, too) that I've been using for acoustic guitar and overheads. I've been thinking, though that I'd like another flavor of stereo OH for drums in the form of LDCs. The ones I currently own are: SP C1 SP B1 MXL V69ME CAD M179...
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    24/44.1 vs. 24/92

    Which should I do? This is going on cd, not vinyl or anything, should I just keep it at 44.1 since it's going to get there anyway? It would definitely save a ton of HD space and allow me to use more plugins. I'm using a Digi002 rack, to make it Rack applicable :).
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    What should I use for monitoring?

    I have a Digi 002 system on the way and I'm still deciding what to use for monitoring. I need to feed my monitors, m-audio BX8s, a pair of headphones in the control room for when I track there, and a headphone preamp in the next room. I need a way to control all these levels separately, so I...
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    Am I Screwed - Finding Pro Tools LE

    I purchased a Digi002 rack from Ebay. It arrived and it only had software for the Mac, and of course I run windows. Digidesign and the seller won't respond to my emails....anybody know how I can get a copy of LE 6.x? I'm super pissed right now because it's the final thing I was waiting for...
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    Squashed Drums

    If I want to get a crazy lofi drum sound a la the Flaming Lips, what kind of compressor should I get? Under $200 if possible. Thanks!
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    Pro Tools and Plugins

    What plugins are compatible with Pro Tools LE? I was all ready to get the UAD-1 card because I'd heard so many good things about it, but it seems that it's uncompatible with Pro Tools (just like everything else). What's good and compatible? I'm mainly looking for comps and eq's, for...
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    Preamp Quandry

    I'm building a home studio to record my band, and I'm having a problem deciding on mic pres. Everything is based on a Digi002r system, which provides me with 4, and I've budgeted $1000-$1200 for the other 4. The music I'm recording is similar to Radiohead or the Flaming Lips (guitars, vox...