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  1. C

    Sick of Audition, What's the next step?

    This son of bitch has crashed for the last time, I can't take it anymore. I know there are tons of options as far as multitrack software, but what are some that are very similar in feel to Audition? I'm so used to this interface now.
  2. C

    Teac A-5500

    Just picked one up at a thrift store for $5, turned it on and it made a terrible screeching sound. Opened it up and noticed that a small black rubber belt (actually 2 belts) on the take-up side were both broken, but pieces of it were still stuck on there. I figured I'd try to load it with tape...
  3. C

    Another 388 recording

    All the Meat tracks were done on my 388, with a few digital overdubs. Still not quite done yet, but I'm pretty proud of this one. It's some friends of mine from NYC who came down and recorded some songs for a 7", nice thunders inspired rock and roll / power pop. What do you guys think, too...