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  1. G

    Need a Stereo Control/Low Freq Mono-ifying VST

    Just found out the Imager plugin that comes with Cubase does this all gracefully and with a decent level of control and is everything I wanted and is free and I don't think (to my shame) I've ever even opened the thing...
  2. G

    Need a Stereo Control/Low Freq Mono-ifying VST

    Thanks both, actually did spy that TP Bassline one, but wasn't sure if there was anything slimmer out there in the world. Usually just fine with the Amek CS but the old DAW sure is getting on a bit!
  3. G

    Need a Stereo Control/Low Freq Mono-ifying VST

    Hello all - just wondering if anybody had any suggestions. I'm after a VST (if it exists) that'll mono-ise anything below a certain frequency, and also control stereo width. Kinda like the two dials on the BX AMEK 9099 channel strip: Anyone know anything that'll do that? Free/cheap/light on...
  4. G

    Amp Sim - Mono/Stereo/Mono Input Stereo Channel? How Are You Doing It?

    Thanks everyone - I'll revert I think to the mono channel then for amp sims, give that a go.
  5. G

    Amp Sim - Mono/Stereo/Mono Input Stereo Channel? How Are You Doing It?

    Hello all. Something I've been curious about. Mostly produce punk if I'm doing distorted guitars. I'll generally double-track, hard panned (though sometimes quad-track if I'm feeling frisky, which will then be one pair hard panned and the other 75% each side.) Then each channel (generally) goes...
  6. G

    USB Interface Advice? SSL 2+ vs MOTU M4 vs Steinberg UR-RT2

    Thanks all! Yes leaning towards the MOTU M4 and very grateful for the opinions. And yes to be clear I mean a dedicated DAW to be install Windows and sequencer, get it updated, then use offline from the point it's stable onwards if at all possible. Room (and likely the whole rest of the setup)...
  7. G

    Returning to the Hobby - Hello Forum!

    Cheers. I got as far as reading some folks had managed to get theirs working with their last UAD license file (which I still have) so I'll say I have half a fighting chance! I wouldn't otherwise sweat it but they're the Mackie cards which came with the 1176LN and LA2A compressors. Wish me luck!
  8. G

    Returning to the Hobby - Hello Forum!

    Haha thanks - I went searching (and searching and searching) and have (finally) got the bits for an i7 DAW with a few PCI slots in it. Will be happy if I can get them running but if not meh, I tried. Cheers. :)
  9. G

    USB Interface Advice? SSL 2+ vs MOTU M4 vs Steinberg UR-RT2

    Hello everyone. Looking to set up a small home studio (imagine that lol) and debating audio interfaces. DAW will be a dedicated DAW (I think this is still the "done thing" in having a dedicated DAW that does nothing else, certainly was back in the day) on W10 and running Cubase Artist 12...
  10. G

    Returning to the Hobby - Hello Forum!

    Hello all! Thought I'd introduce myself as I intend to take FULL advantage of the resources and community here. :) Merry (early) Christmas. :) Had a home studio around Cubase SX2 back in the day, then "real life" got in the way. Now a little older and looking to get back into the hobby. We're...