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  1. M

    Input on a new recording... Metalish?

    Hows it going? i recorded this today messing around with nothing to do (when i really shoulda been studing for my college courses...) I recorded this with a sennheinser E609 which i got about a month and a half ago. Sadly i havent gotten much use out of it becuase i havent had much time. tell me...
  2. M

    Opinions on a new sample? Metalish?

    Hey guys i just came across a cool plug-in for cubase sx (it adds a simulation of the Marshall JCM900 Dual Reverb amp). anyhow, i didnt have much time to put alot of effort in this recording so it was a real quick job. the riffs are a little off, but what im concern about is the sound quality of...
  3. M

    Another classical piece... well not really classical

    hows it going? its been awhile since ive posted anything new, ive been really busy w/ college, work, and the girlfriend... not to mention my zoo of animals... anyways ive been learning alot of Tarrega (its not really classical for the reason his music was late 1800's early 1900's) pieces. i...
  4. M

    How about some Classical Gas?

    well i know this isnt tocatta in dm -=/ but ill get to that! first i want to try what Massive Master suggested by adding a reverb, also moving away from the mics a bit, what do you guys think about this recording. it's title is Classical Gas (Classical Gas.mp3) ftp://1:1@
  5. M

    Opinions on a classical piece

    Hows it going everyone, i came across this site and was wondering if i could get some input on a recording. first off, the piece isnt perfected, it has errors in it, i wasnt playing w/ a metronome... please keep that in mind. last week (when i recorded it) was hectic w/ work and college, so i...