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  1. D


    Alright, often times I record a track, and instead of being in the sweet spot, the signal's a bit too weak. When I try to mix, this particular track, jacked all the way up, is too low. Even when the other track volumes have been reduced to near 0. How do I give this 'weak track' a boost? I...
  2. D

    80$ Senn. E609 Silv?

    Not too long ago, I found a website that offered the Sennheiser E609 Silver Mic for 80$ each. I must have deleted the link, or lost it in my collection. I can't seem to find it again. Does anyone know where I could find the e609s at 80$, instead of the 100$ I'm seeing everywhere? I know there...
  3. D

    Acoustical Room Treatment

    I think that's the right term. I've got a small room (9.8'x10.5') that has serious ECHOechoecho issues. I can't tell what frequencies are bouncing around, but I've decided I want some sort of echo killer. So, since I'm in an apartment, will be moving soon, and would like my deposit back, I...
  4. D

    Req: GC 50$ MK-319/MK-012

    I keep hearing mention of either the Oktava MK-319 or MK-012 being/going on sale for 50$ each at Guitar Center -- but unfortunately the 'local' GC "won't be selling them at that price again." So, this is a request to anyone out there who is fortunate enough to live near a GC who lets them go at...
  5. D

    Snare Freq?

    I'm trying to get out the snare buzz on a track I have. If I use the noise suppressor (which doesn't seem to work very well) I can get the buzz out, but most of the snare presence goes too, along with the cymbals. (Yeah, so I was stuck using 3 mics for a 4-piece band. Don't ask.) I could...
  6. D

    Frequency Response Q

    On this datasheet for the AKG C430(pdf) There's the solid line, like I'm accustomed to. And the dotted line way below everything..... what's that mean?
  7. D

    AKG C430 v Behringer B5

    I'm deciding between the AKG C430 and Behringer B5 (I am going to buy them as pairs). Since I have *no* small-diaphragm condenser mics and want to use overheads for my drumkit, I need to get some! But, I want something versatile. If it just works as an overhead, bleh. Not a big price...