Search results

  1. M

    Checking impedance on a speaker

    After doing a bit of searching, I found a thread with almost exactly similar circumstances as mine: In the end, I wasn't sure whether or not an ohmmeter would provide an accurate representation of the speaker's impedance. So I have...
  2. M

    Good 7-string pickup?

    Like most folks who've played on an Ibanez RG7, I'm disenchanted with the stock pickups. While not atrocious, the stock pickups were a bit muddy for my tastes. It wouldn't respond to artificial harmonics very well, for example. I've recently scrounged up the money to get some new ones and first...
  3. M

    EMG 81 vs. EMG 85?

    Per your experience, which would make a more useful pickup in the bridge position? Obviously, I'm looking for something that would work in a rock/metal context while avoiding that excessively scooped Pantera/Metallica type sound. I intend to put it in a late 80's/early 90's Kramer, Floyd Rose...
  4. M

    Replacing a bridge for my bass

    Got a Badass II for my bass. Is putting in a new bridge something I could do myself without much difficulty (duhh.... screws go in holes?*drool*) or is the fact that I'm even asking this question all the more reason to send it to a professional to set it up? Thanks.
  5. M

    Favorite guitarists/soloists?

    I know this is almost a prerequisite in any guitar forum and gets very obnoxious after seeing it a million times, but I haven't seen it posted anywhere in the first several pages so without further ado... -John Petrucci- So Dream Theater is a generic prog-metal group nowadays that sounds more...
  6. M

    What effect is this?

    A volume swell/softened attack effect on the guitar... -Rush- La Via Strangiatto (Alex Lifeson's solo) -Opeth- Black Rose Immortal (brief guitar interlude almost right in the middle of the song.) -Eucharist- Floating (early in the song after the intro) -Steve Vai- Erotic Nightmares- around 3:12...