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  1. J

    Tascam DP-03SD ; WEIRD NOISE ! Is it DEFECTIVE ? please help

    I wish I had a studio setup with a video camera and a synced tap from the porta audio to edit into a video clip showing that turning the pan knob so all interested could HEAR this LOUD NOISE and thus witness EVIDENCE that said DO-03SD actually makes the horrible noise I try to describe. But I...
  2. J

    Tascam DP-03SD ; WEIRD NOISE ! Is it DEFECTIVE ? please help

    wow. You can "fix it" just by hearing it ?
  3. J

    Tascam DP-03SD ; WEIRD NOISE ! Is it DEFECTIVE ? please help

    I'll try to REVERSE THE DEAL if I can present conclusive testimony(s) that the DP-03SD indeed should *NOT* produce such noise when simply trying to pan an input signal to the left - or to the right.
  4. J

    Tascam DP-03SD ; WEIRD NOISE ! Is it DEFECTIVE ? please help

    Anyone owning and/or using such a Tascam DP-03SD ?
  5. J

    Tascam DP-03SD ; WEIRD NOISE ! Is it DEFECTIVE ? please help

    Thanks a bunch ! 👍 I believe you - me too have encountered "built-in" mikes - "supported" by ALCs, limiters, compressors and the whole bunch... But here, there's an ABSOLUTELY WEIRD noise - completely *separate* from any AUDIO signal. It's not like a haidryer being noisy, not even a hairdryer...
  6. J

    Tascam DP-03SD ; WEIRD NOISE ! Is it DEFECTIVE ? please help

    THANKS ! A MILLION ! 👍☺ That's obvious ! ( But - as I said - we're all human. I've seen SENIOR technicians look for signal attenuation causes for hours - and I tried to help, tracing suspicious FX send/return wiring through the whole studio house - to no avail. In the evening this Owner/Chief...
  7. J

    Tascam DP-03SD ; WEIRD NOISE ! Is it DEFECTIVE ? please help

    Hi all ! ☺ Two days ago I bought a used Tascam 'DP-03SD'. I've never owned a porta, but several mixer consoles & professional mikes, recorders, speakers & lots of audio gear over several decades. Immediately, I noticed a HORRIBLE noise 👉 * WHEN PANNING ONE CHANNEL (in 'Rec Standby') TO THE...