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  1. O

    Trying to emulate this sound

    Hello everyone. I have been trying for a long time to emulate this kick drum sound found here Here is what i am working with. Drum: 22x16 Maple kick drum Batter Head: Evans Emad w/ Large muffle ring in use Reso Head...
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    Should I cut out the Mackie?

    I have been using the MOTU 828mkII with DP4 to record songs for the last 8+ months. Just recently I submitted a song in the MP3 Mixing Clinic called "One Man Band, Please Listen..." I got a comment that my song has a muffled sound to it. Now that I listen to it, I realize that it does sound...
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    One man band - Listen to this...

    Hello, I recently recorded this song w/ a guy who played all the instruments on the track. He even played the typewriter @ the beginning. listen here: Feedback is appreciated. Thanx,
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    Compress before or after?

    Hi. I have been working in DP4 for a few months. I like the software compressors/gates etc. My question is should I record my drums raw, then compress them? or record them with compression running as a preamp? Thanx, Tustin
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    DP4 help???

    Hello, I have been recording with DP4 via MOTU 828mkII on an Apple IPOD for a few months. The recordings have been wonderful. So my question does not have to do with recording. My question has to do with the mixdown/mastering. Example: I have just recorded a song with 8 drum tracks, 2...
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    1st time with multitrack

    Hello, I am a drummer, my buddy and I recorded this song last night... It is just a jam session so it is not a finished product. I was hoping that you might listen to it and tell me what you think? if clicking the link does not work, just...