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  1. S

    VERY Important Lesson !!!

    Hello all, Some of you here may be aware of a dizziness problem that has plagued me since August 1st of this year. In a continuing effort(seems non-ending) to put a name on the problem, I had an appointment yesterday with another Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist and among other things, he...
  2. S

    The Art of MIDI Sequencing - MIDI to the MAX

    Found this on another forum and thought some might find it interesting. A fast read on pushing the MIDI envelope.
  3. S

    Studio Covers - found a link

    Don't know how long it will last, but here's an archive link to a great resource that seems to have gone away...
  4. S

    Heads Up !!! New Version of "MultitrackStudio" is out !

    I'm excited !!! Just got this in my e-mail.............................. If you are in the market for a nice multitrack audio and midi software program that won't break the bank, check it out - they have a FREE demo available. Too many features(DX, DXI, VST & VSTI, etc., etc.) to list here...
  5. S

    Beware! This MS patch for WinXP SP1 can SLOW your computer!

    If you have downloaded and installed the 811493 patch for Windows XP SP1, from the Windows Update site, it can cause a BIG slowdown of your computer! It happened to me, but when I removed it from the Add/Remove Control Panel Applet all was back to normal. If you use the Windows Update site on a...
  6. S

    Thank You and a Mystery ?

    a big THANK YOU ! Last Fall I became interested in my guitar again after a 10 year layoff and that led me into checking out using the computer to help make music. WOW ! I was and still am blown away by the possibilities - what a difference from my old 4-Track Portastudio! I was fortunate...