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  1. B

    Mac -> Soundcraft 12 MTK -> PA .....can't hear a thing.

    I would like to use my Soundcraft Signature 12 MTK as an output to my PA system to play music (eg, spotify) from my Mac. Thus far in the life of the mixer I have only used it as an input for my instruments to go through to my PA. On the Mac when I open APPLICATIONS, UTILITIES, AUDIO MIDI...
  2. B

    too many choices = confusion!

    Hi, my first post here. I'm the dad in my boy's band. We are looking to upgrade our gear for both live mixing and recording. For live we currently have: Peavey PVi8500 powered 400W (8 channel - non stereo) x2 15" speakers various guitar amps, mics, etc For recording we currently have...