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    Played & mixed with synth the first time, feedback appreciated! :)

    So i wrote a song.. And decided i'd try to play with synth to make it, I'm not exactly good at mixing and mastering stuff. Currently having ear fatigue and pretty brain dead to criticise it myself :)
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    Can someone identify what genre my music is?

    I've been so hard trying to identify what genre my songs are.... i've made serveral original songs and i think some of them sounds completely different than one another. i'd like to stick with one genre but it's hard.. here's some:
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    How do i delete a thread?

    i have made a "mix this" thread and have been getting a lot.. i mean A LOTT of replies people mixing my songs. that's awesome! but i feel bad because i can't open each one of them and give them feedback!. it's tiring to go one by there anyway to delete a thread? thanks!
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    Newbie Question about buying my first keyboard

    I'm about to buy my first keyboard, i'm planning on doing - midi instruments - simple basic chords to record on my songs... but i'm really confused here.. so i looked at some of the really cheap yamaha/casio keyboard that people have for their weddings/living they cost from under...
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    Mix this 2 tracks (Guitar + Vocal) Acoustic indie song!

    i got torn up when it comes to mixing only 2 simple acoustic tracks I want to see how you guys can come up with! please help me mix this tracks! thanks guys:) Link: