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  1. T

    Elec. Guitar Micing - Help!

    Good evening, friends - I come to you humbly, a noob in desperate need of help with recording - I am the first to admit, I suck at it. I need some guidance. My brother plays electric guitar (he has 2 rigs - a Fender American Telecaster w/ a Vox AC15, and a Epiphone Les Paul Custom w/ a...
  2. T

    Analog Mixer to DAW

    Hey guys, So I'm just getting into home recording, I'm a newbie, so I'm sorta not sure about a lotta stuff. Anyway, I'm hoping to buy the Samson 8Kit (Pack of drum microphones), for recording into Cubase. This afternoon my neighbour gave me his Yamaha EMX300 (12 Channel analog mixing desk)...