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  1. D

    I'm confused.

    Hi, So, I am confused about something. Here is that "something"; If I record something in Reaper and then try to listen to it with my KRK KNS8400 headphones, I hear what I've recorded but it is incredibly quiet. If I'm honest, it's almost un-audible. BUT, if I pan all of the sound to the...
  2. D


    So, I just bought a pair of KRK KNS 8400's. I plan on recording, mixing and mastering with these headphones but, seeing as I don't have my audio interface or microphones yet to use them for recording, I decided to just plug them into my phone last night to see what they sounded like. I found...
  3. D

    Torn between DAW options.

    So, I know that the topic of DAW and questions like, "What DAW do I use?" are thrown around a lot BUT I'm royally stuck. I play in a 5 piece Indie Rock band, who I want to record and I also, in my own time, make electronic music. I know that Pro Tools would be a great DAW to record my band and...
  4. D

    Embarrassing and probably a stupid question.

    I'm very new to recording music. I'm so new in fact that I don't even have any equipment. I've been making a list of things that I'll need and I'm stumped on one small detail... Do I need to have an audio interface and a mixing desk? I'm going to be recording my 5 piece band, including a...