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  1. S

    tascam us122 records 1 side

    I am new with this but when i try to record, the left side is only on the left side. im using the recording software that came with it but signal only on one side or the other. tried all the settings on 122, any ideas..
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    drum loops (how to record them)

    I have never used computer drums , and i have a daw seprate multitrack recorder. Can you load them on the computer and then record them to recorder ? do you need a seprate machine are do they play olny to something like cakewalk. Sorry but i am GREEN .... Thanks Steve
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    track sheet to layout songs

    has anyone seen a good way to layout a song on paper, to keep track of what happens when????
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    matched microphones

    How important is it to have matched condencer microphones. home studio , 16 bit .
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    16 bit yamaha aw16g vs computer

    new at this and looking at aw16g, but computer looks good to dont want latency but not sure about 16 bit yamaha. any ideas witch way to go. looks like a lot of probs with sound cards. yamaha dosnt seem to let you use effects one at a time and later mix them down. Help
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    anyone happy w soundcard and cw ?

    looking to get cake walk but dont want latency., is anyone having luck w usb or any card to use internal effects, w no latency. not sure what to buy. thanks