Search results

  1. B

    Why does this one cost so much...

    Now, I'm not looking for an supply/demand lecture here, but crusin through the pages of my musiciansfriend catalogue, I came across a few cards that seemingly did the same thing. 10 in, 10 out recording capability. Delta 1010LT PCI Digital Audio System (280$)...
  2. B

    eliminating noise

    I recently got a new "music" room because my sister moved out of the house. I've been recording through my computer (athlon 1100, 7200rpm hd, midiman DMAN soundcard[rca in/out]) and/or my 4track (tascam424mkIII) for nearly 4 years now, with varied success. I finally got things set up in the...
  3. B

    mikeing guitars (duh)

    first off, how the fuck do you spell the action of recording a sound with a micrphone? micing, miking, kigeing, whatever) Ok. I'm not asking a question about HOW to mic a guitar (amp) but rather, if it really needs to be done. Until recently, miking an amp was pretty much out of the question...
  4. B

    new beat woooot

    i was bored so i made some wack shit.... the beat you want right now is called "habich" you might as well listen to the other stuff cuz it's funny
  5. B

    is it formal to have a full "song"?

    Just for future reference, is it formal to have a full song's worth of shit together before posting it on this forum? I guess i'd be like 1% worried some fgt would steal it, but then again i'm young and not paying bills. but yeah...only "Show off" full (yet unvocaled) "songs". I haven't checked...