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  1. F

    Software: something like Audacity, but with real-time effects and sound control ?

    Hey I am mainly using Audacity to record stuff at the moment, and I decided to find something that would let me edit the sound in realtime - so I could for example record something, then play it and edit things while playing, add delays on the track, all kind of effects, change tones etc. and...
  2. F

    Software for unlimited sound edit, NOT all-in-one thing, just Sound, noise creating..

    hello guys I am looking for a software that is more of an amazing synth, rather than ALL-in-one music production software. Something that gives unlimited possibilities when it comes to making A NOISE, a sound... without any instruments even, just being able to turn some knobs and begin to make...
  3. F

    A mic for a every-day-life sound lover. for everything: bee's, central city noise etc

    hello guys! so, lately I am fascinated with recording all sort of sounds, and editing it on my PC... and I think I need a really good mic for that. So I can record things like: scraping fingers, lighting a match etc. in perfect quality, without any noise, with a great deepness of sound... so...