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  1. B

    Recording distortion guitar using mesa boogie rectifier, marshall 4x12 cab

    I just got a mesa boogie 50 watt single rectifier and am running it through a marshall 4x12 cab. I have previously only recorded guitars using modelers on my roland br 1180 so I have very liitle experience micing cabinets, but I am told that this is the way to go. I have 2 sm 58's to work with...
  2. B

    cracking guitar on br 1180

    My friend just got a br 1180 cd and we have been trying to record guitar on it for 2 days with minimal success. We play punk so we need a distorted sound but a "clean" distortion. That might be an oxymoron but I hope you guys know what I mean. Anyway, we tried micing the amp with some sm 58's...
  3. B

    br 1180

    I am thinking of getting the br 1180 without the burner because I already have a burner on my computer. How hard would it be to get the sound from the br 1180 to my computer. It is a new computer, but would I have to buy anything else i.e. a specialized sound card. Thanks.
  4. B

    About to take the leap. Need advice

    I am a drummer in a punk band who is about to attempt to record something. We would like to put together a demo to hand out to venues and whatnot. Nothing too serious but we would like it to sound decent. My question mostly regards equipment. Right now we have a Yamaha PA system. I'm not sure...