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  1. B

    How do I get Music in Stores?

    I produced a Christmas album for a local band last year and sold a couple hundred of CDs. This year, I want to try to get their album out there. Digitally, there are numerous sites and distributors that will get the music on iTunes, Amazon, etc... but how would I go about getting an album in a...
  2. B

    let me see your studio!

    Big walk-in closets are useless! I converted mine into a mini studio! I'm still working on the acoustics of the room, especially the vocal booth. Let me know what you guys think!
  3. B

    Home-Made Acoustical Panels

    Hey guys.. I was wondering if anyone knows how to make acoustical panels for sound absorption. My budget isn't too big, so Auralex products are a little too expensive. I've quickly learned that styrofoam isn't a good idea.. If anyone has any suggestions, instructions, or pictures to share...