Search results

  1. N

    How does Maynard James Keenan sing like this?

    From the 7:30 minute mark on Lateralus and the 2 minute part of Parabola, it sounds like he's inhaling or something
  2. N

    I just cant sing?

    Im really considering quitting, I can hit the right notes but when combined together it doesn't sound good at all? I would really like to get better, but theres no singing lessons in my area. Is there any advice that can help me improve? Thanks
  3. N

    Contrasting genres on album?

    Im not sure if this thread belongs here, but I have a collection of songs i've been working on, 9 are folk but the last 3/4 i have recorded are random 6-10 minute long songs with electric guitar and industrial elements. should i keep the 9 and work on few more folk songs and release them...
  4. N

    Vocals go out of key when bounced?

    hey, everytime i bounce a track in logic the vocals sound out of key, but when play the mix through my interface it doesnt sound out of key?, i have my volume at the highest when recording ps. Sorry for the vague details, if you have questions i'll answer
  5. N

    Fender Mustang or Jaguar?

    I really like the in Utero guitar tone, I have fallen in love with both guitars but I dont know which to buy. Im considering the KC Jaguar or Mustang, but I dont really like buying custom guitars. I need some advice from someone who has both and plays alternate rock (Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana...
  6. N

    I dont sound good when I sing?

    I can hit the notes individually but when it comes to singing my voice sounds horrible when its all put together (when i try to sing phrases) does anyone know how I can Improve?
  7. N

    Vocals sound good on headphones but terrible on speakers

    Hi I'm new to this website so I'm not sure where this question should go, when I record vocals over the song they sound in key through my headphones but when I take them off they sound horrible when unplayable them through my mac book speakers and iPod speakers. Does anyone know why this is...