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  1. E

    Where to Place Boundary Mic

    I am doing a live event that we want to simulcast online. The problem is that the machines used for presenting in the room, and for broadcasting online are completely different and therefore don't share audio sources. The only part I really need help with is the placement of a boundary mic. I...
  2. E

    DAW Audio Routing

    I just discovered the outs on my Tascam US-1641. I have seen them before, but I just discovered what they were for. My question is this, is it possible to send the same track to multiple outs? Do any DAWs allow this? I specifically would like to know how to do this with Audition, but if its...
  3. E

    Changing Latency on Audio Interface

    I am currently using a Tascam US-1642 interface and am trying to route audio via the DAW (Adobe Audition CS 5.5, Pro Tools, Reaper) to its outputs. However, there is a slight delay. Currently the settings are set to normal latency, but whenever I try to change them, the interface drivers stop...
  4. E

    Recording with an Audio Interface

    Is it just me, or does every audio interface have knobs as opposed to sliders? Why is this? Why don't they use sliders? It is much easier to set levels with sliders rather than knobs. Now that that rant is over with, on to my question. I tend to record tracks with a large dynamic range, and I...