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  1. G

    DAWs with included pitch correction similar to Melodyne?

    So I'm thinking about moving from PT8 to Cubase 6 mainly because of the included pitch correction in cubase. I was about to purchase melodyne for PT8 when I found that it would most likely not work well if I didn't upgrade to Pro Tools 9 or 10. Before I make the purchase though, are there any...
  2. G

    Antares AVP-1? Yes? No?

    Quick total noob question. I'm looking at buying an Antares AVP-1 for my home studio. However, I know absolutely nothing about rack units as this would be my first one. Would this work with my studio? I have a Mbox 3 running into a PC(soon to be a Macbook pro). Also, is this unit any good? I...
  3. G

    Can PT be installed on 2 computers?

    I just got my Mbox 3 and protools 8 LE in the mail. I have not started recording yet, I'm just trying to acumulate the gear I need. I will be getting a mac for recording but don't have it yet. I'm anxious to try it out and make sure everything works properly. So my question is, if I install Pro...
  4. G

    Cubase vs. Logic in terms of virtual instruments

    Hi, I am just starting to collect what I need to start recording so keep in mind that my knowlege is VERY limited. What I intend on doing is recording guitar and vocals using a real guitar and, obviously, my real voice. However, for everything else I intend on using virtual instruments for (like...