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  1. C

    Vocal Reverb Help for Jazzy Xmas Song

    I recorded my friend singing over a Jazzy Christmas song (karaoke track) and was trying to get his voice to sit into the mix a little better, but I am having a difficult time trying to get a "nice sounding" jazz reverb. What are some good starting parameters? (predelay, decay time...
  2. C

    mic pre and a/d converter

    Pardon my newbieness, but I needed some clarification. I have been reading the forums and eveyone seems to state that the mic pre and the A/D converter are very important parts of achieving a great sound. My question is 'what does an a/d converter actually do, and why do i need one?' I have a...
  3. C

    What a muddy mess!! Help Please

    Hi, I am pretty new to mixing, but have been playing music for about 10 years. I am familiar with the basics of EQ, compression, Limiting, etc. I have recorded a few tracks but they always seem to lack the clarity of professional mixes.. This track, in particular, seems to be impossibe. 4...
  4. C

    Muddy Multiple Keyboards

    Hi, I am currently working on a project with 4 keyboard tracks (piano, 2 synth, pad) and 4 guitars (clean, acoustic, 2 electric with light distortion). drums, vocals (lead and 2 harmonies), bass. It seems no matter what I try, the mix is a complete muddy mess. I've tried to sweep out some...