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  1. J

    phones and monitor out

    whats the difference between the phones output and the monitor output? i know I cant hear any difference in sound between them anyway jacob
  2. J

    your ears or your dick?

    if you had to choose, would you keep your ears or your dick?
  3. J


    where can i get a vocoder?? thanks, jacobsy
  4. J

    Nonsense song

    Be there instead Rightly so I said / what is the time / be there instead Two three hundred pounds / tell me what's yours / I'll give it twice And why... / Disagree About ... / Something you Need/ The need for speed / So I said twice / U aint gonna speak Why / all the advice / like they all...
  5. J

    "Missing file"

    when i save a project and then record another track, it says that it cant open the other tracks. for some reason it deletes all the tracks when i save a project. this also happens when i insert a wav file. i use n-track v3
  6. J


    hello songwriters.... i have this peculiar problem... when i play a new song or just play it in my head, it sounds pretty good.,.. but when i record it and listen to it, it sounds really horrible,,, whats up with that?
  7. J

    acid problem

    im using the demo version of acid 3.0 ----------------- when i insert media files there is no sound and no waveform display. what is wrong? thanks/jacobsy
  8. J

    drumset vs drum machine

    what would you choose, and why?