Search results

  1. The_Salesman

    Cubase and vocoders

    Does Cubase have a vocoder? There's a couple of different Modulation tools but no vocoders that I can find. If not are there any free one on the net (for Mac) someone could recommend.
  2. The_Salesman

    Bass Problems

    I have a sample that I love but it's so bass-y it rattles speakers even at low volume. I tried putting it through a high pass filter but it seems to make it too quiet, I add gain and I'm in the same pickle I was to begin with. The tone itself isn't that low (C#2) if that helps any. I'm very...
  3. The_Salesman

    Low end crackling

    Howdy, Ok, on one of my tracks I seem to be getting some crackling sounds when I listened to it on itunes. It sounds fine in my DAW, and when I listen to it through RealPlayer, it just cracks on itunes. Is this something that should concern me, or should I just forget about it.
  4. The_Salesman


    I have a couple different sets of headphones and I've noticed they all sound extremely different. Any recommendations on an affordable set that might give me the "truest" sound. They don't need to be sealed so any style will do. Thanks