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  1. M

    Cant open protools "Select waves plug ins"

    I recently got a waves bundle and when I try and open pro tools A window pops up behind the pro tools splash saying select waves plug-ins but when I try and select anything I just get the error noise like a bonk noise (i'm on a mac) I've tried searching on line all day for a fix but every...
  2. M

    Using Limiter on Dialogue

    Hello I am trying to start practicing recording dialogue for radio commercials not to sell, but to basically not forget how to use pro tools because I have the memory of a gold fish. I recorded the dialogue going through a compressor and i've created a master track and I threw a limiter onto...
  3. M

    Bussing Technique

    I am mixing a song of a live recording from school and wanted to put a high pass filter on everything except for my bass and kick to really let the lows stand out in the mix and was wondering if I should use a send on each track and bus it all to one aux and just put a high pass filter on there...