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  1. C

    Does Washington Owe Toyota an Apology?

    The more I think about this whole Toyota thing U.S. Department of Transportation Releases Results from NHTSA-NASA Study of Unintended Acceleration in Toyota Vehicles | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the more pissed off I get - and I don't even own a Toyota. After a year...
  2. C

    Albums Vs. Mixtapes

    As for me I prefer albums over a mixtape... I would like mixtapes if they actually put the time to make the sound quality better. Do anyone still buy mixtapes even with all the free mixtape sites out these days?
  3. C

    Just wondering... which comes first the music or the lyrics?

    If you’re planning an original musical composition, which comes first into your mind, the lyrics or the music?
  4. C

    Styrofoam as sound proofing material

    Can I use Styrofoam as sound proofing material?
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    I would like to ask a good MP3 storage website

    I'm looking for a good MP3 storage website. Hopefully it's free or it cost less. I would like to ask also websites that will let you store MP3s at the same time you can play it. Thanks in advance