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  1. R

    Pre/voice channel question

    Pre/channel strip question I'm currently using a Rode NT1 (I know, I know) into a Delta Omni Studio to record my wife's singing. I'm going to be buying a new mic soon - maybe a C1. I'm also thinking of getting a channel strip - something like the Focusrite Voicemaster. Here's the question...
  2. R

    Mackie 1202 users - how do you work?

    I bought a Delta 66 Omni Studio last weekend and quite like it - unfortunatley the one I have is a piece of crap. I have to press the head phone jack towards the floor to get both channels, and also have to 'wiggle' the jack on one of the inserts to get it to work. So, the upshot is is going...
  3. R

    Sblive MP3 Digital output.

    Does anyone know if I can use a mini-jack to RCA cable to connect the spdif on my sblive card to the (proper) spdif on my Delta 66? If so, does anyone know where I can get one?!! Or do I need to get something like the Hoontech Digital i/o bracket? I know it's pretty cheap, but I don't need...
  4. R

    Minor Soundfont irritation

    Hi guys. I've been using Soundfonts in CWPA for a couple of weeks now with great success. However, there are a couple of things bugging me. Is there any way I can get the Soundfont name to show up in the Bank drop down instead of [SF1], [SF2] etc. Also is there a way to get drum names...
  5. R


    What the heck am I doing wrong! I just invested in some commercial soundfonts from EMU for my SB Live! card. Heres the problem: In CWPA8 I load a soundfont into Bank 1, and assign some cool patch to a couple of tracks. So far so good. Now I load a second soundfont into bank 2. I can now...
  6. R

    Will this be man enough for the job?

    I'm about to replace the Echo Darla in my DAW and was thinking of putting it into my old P266 and using it as a standalone Gigasampler box. It has 128Mb and I will also get a new big/fast hard drive. Anybody else have a similar set-up? How well does it work?
  7. R

    Multiple Deltas with Omni i/o

    I've decided to buy M-Audio's Omni Studio therefore elimating the need for a mixer. While I was weighing up the pros and cons I got to thinking that I may want more Line Inputs in future. Now I believe people are running multiple Delta's. So here's the question, if I add a Delta 44 to an...
  8. R

    Should I buy a new mixer or Delta Omni?

    Hi guys, I'm interested in everyones opinions here. I have the following setup: 850MHz PC Echo Darla Soundblaster Live Yamaha MU10 sound module Cakewalk Pro audio Soundforge Soundcraft Mixer Various outboard FX, compressors, Reverbs, Pod etc etc. I record one track at a time, and use a...