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  1. F

    newbie cubase question

    I've been running Audition for a while with my Mbox 2 mini on my desktop PC (Don't care what anyone says, I love audition:)), and protools on my mac laptop for outside the studio. My PC is old and just about dead, and my laptop is getting very outdated (1.5ghz processor, 768 mb ram). I'm buying...
  2. F

    presonus firestudio or firestudio tube?

    New member looking for some help.... I have a home studio set up for VO work. I have a R0de NTK/Shure sm7b (depends on the project) going into a Grace m101. That goes into an MBox 2 mini. I also record my friend's band as a favor to him. I record as a 2 track going from my Mackie DFX into the...